Zero Trust Network Access for On-Premises Users


Modernize secure access to all applications for your on-premises users with ZPA Private Service Edge. Bring the power of ZTNA on-premises with least-privileged access to private apps, connecting users directly to applications.


Excessive trust of office users creates risk

Private applications are the heart of every enterprise, but your organization can be left exposed to risk if your network and security teams confer inherent trust to users sitting in your headquarters or a branch office. That’s why you need to be able to limit trust.

The challenge of providing ZTNA for office users

Definir segmentos y utilizar cortafuegos internos puede resultar complejo y llevar mucho tiempo, incluso para tareas sencillas.


Conectar a un usuario a la red de un centro de datos genera preocupaciones de seguridad adicionales.


Sus usuarios incluyen empleados locales y remotos, así como usuarios externos.


Si un usuario en la sede central necesita acceso a una aplicación en el centro de datos local, puede que no tenga sentido recurrir a un servicio ZTNA en la nube.

What’s Inside

ZTNA goes local with ZPA Private Service Edge

ztna goes local with private service edge

Zero trust network access (ZTNA) services provide secure access to internal applications based on user-to-hostname policies, but many services are limited to your remote users.

Zscaler Private Access™ (ZPA™), our cloud-delivered ZTNA service, can be extended to your data center or public cloud edge with ZPA Private Service Edge.

ZPA Private Service Edge is a simpler way to enable secure access to private apps, with an identical experience whether users are local or remote, accessing apps in your data center or the cloud.

What ZPA Private Service Edge means for you

Aléjese de las reglas de cortafuegos de “IP de origen a IP de destino” en favor de políticas de “usuario a nombre de host”.


Cree conexiones uno a uno entre un usuario autorizado y una aplicación privada específica para minimizar el movimiento lateral.

nube abajo

Cumpla con cualquier normativa que impida el uso de tecnología alojada en la nube.

user experience
Fast user experience

Seamlessly connect users through the local ZTNA service, optimizing performance.


Nicholas Pandola

Global Dir. of Information Security, Trinseo
“[With ZPA Private Service Edge,] we could extend the zero trust access capabilities of the public ZPA cloud with software that can run in our own network. We’re now able to better protect our business-critical private apps, and deliver the best user experience possible.”

ZPA Lets You Return to Office with Confidence

Learn from experts how to combat risk and secure local connections for evolved application access, anywhere, with ZTNA.

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Schedule a custom demo

Let our specialists show you how ZPA can quickly and securely transform your operations with zero trust network access.