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A major Meltdown - This week in cybersecurity

enero 05, 2018 - 2 Min de lectura

Forever 21: Hackers breached payment system for 7 months

Forever 21 confirmed hackers breached its payment system for seven months and admitted encryption was turned off on some point-of-sale (POS) devices.

Iran Is Blocking the Internet to Shut Down Protests

Reports say mobile services like Telegram have been shut down as protests continue across the country.

A Critical Intel Flaw Breaks Basic Security for Most Computers

A Google-led team of researchers has found a critical chip flaw that developers are scrambling to patch in millions of computers.

GPS tracking vulnerabilities leave millions of products at risk

It's an IoT nightmare. One that is entirely preventable. Two researchers have disclosed problems with hundreds of vulnerable GPS services using open APIs and trivial passwords (123456), resulting in a multitude of privacy issues including direct tracking. Further, many of the vulnerable services have open directories exposing logged data.

MacOS LPE Exploit Gives Attackers Root Access

A researcher with the Twitter handle ‘Siguza’ published details of a macOS local privilege escalation vulnerability dating back to 2002 that could give an attacker root access to systems.

240,000 Homeland Security employees, case witnesses affected by data breach

A database used by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of the Inspector General has been confirmed as breached, affecting 247,167 current and former employees and individuals associated with the department's previous investigations.

India’s national ID database is reportedly accessible for less than $10

The nightmare is a reality in India. Reports from the country suggest that the government's national ID system -- Aadhaar, which holds personal data belonging to more than one billion people — was compromised.


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