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News & Announcements

Thank You and Best Wishes to my Dear Friend, Amit

octubre 10, 2022 - 2 Min de lectura

I am both saddened and pleased to announce that Amit Sinha has decided to pursue a CEO role at a private company. I would like to thank Amit for his contributions to Zscaler in various roles over the past 12 years, most recently as President of Zscaler.


I met Amit in early 2005 when I was running AirDefense and CipherTrust in Atlanta. From my first meeting, it was clear to me that this young engineer with a doctorate from MIT and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from IIT was not only a brilliant engineer but had great business acumen. Amit joined me at AirDefense as its CTO and our friendship and partnership continued to grow. He joined me at Zscaler in 2010 at its very early stage to incubate security for mobile devices. I’ve enjoyed watching him grow as a leader and lead multiple functions to help Zscaler grow into the market leader in cloud security.

I am pleased that Amit will remain on Zscaler’s Board of Directors as a trusted advisor and strong supporter of Zscaler. Over the next few weeks, Amit will work with us to transition his roles and responsibilities.

Amit has been a dear friend and collaborator of mine for over 17 years. While I am sad to see him move on; it is a fact that great companies produce the next generation of CEOs who go on to change the world. We will miss Amit and wish him well.

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