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News & Announcements

The Top 5 Reasons to Attend Zenith Live ’23

mayo 08, 2023 - 2 Min de lectura

Join us at Zenith Live ’23 to experience the latest zero trust security innovations, hear firsthand from industry thought leaders, and take part in exclusive technical sessions.

Register by May 31 to save $50 on your Full Conference Pass!


Let’s count down the top 5 reasons to attend:


Reason #5

Learn best practices for the latest cloud security and connectivity tools, tactics, and playbooks. Elevate your skills and knowledge to keep your organization secure and productive.


Reason #4

Connect with peers, innovators, and leaders sharing real-world zero trust use cases and approaches. Plus, learn all about Zenith Community, a collaborative knowledge base for Zscaler users.


Reason #3

Discover effective, concrete strategies to increase economic value, optimize technology costs, enhance user productivity, and improve your security posture—directly from real Zscaler customers.


Reason #2

Take technical deep dives in expert-led training, hands-on labs and demos, and 60+ focused breakout sessions built for security, networking, and IT practitioners and leaders.


Reason #1

Get certified on-site at no cost, including the new exclusive Zscaler for Users - Essentials credential. Spots are limited, so get a jump on your development before they run out: reserve your seat!


With free certification training and more best practices, practical insights, and technical sessions than ever before, Zenith Live ’23 is set to be the best yet. See you there!

Las Vegas, Nevada | June 13-15
Register now

Berlin, Germany | June 27-29
Register now

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